Karen Howe

Hi there,

I am Karen Howe

and here is my story

The journey from wounded inner child to free spirited woman

My experiences left me feeling I was not good enough, I was nothing special, I was unattractive, or I was too young, and being controlled by societies acceptance. My life was being controlled like a video game because I was constantly trying to seek the approval of everyone around me.

 What I thought was the way to impress my peers and gain the approval of everyone around me was killing me slowly. It was tearing me away from what true success was and what true happiness is. Being happy an odd sensation. A new beginning perhaps.

The conscious journey I took in 2018 began with a strong desire to know, to feel, to heal. Soon after this intention was declared, my “journey” took on a life of its own.

 You won’t always strive to ‘get better’, but instead will grow naturally. You are already perfect. And it is true. There is no destination, you are already there.

There is simply a journey to be enjoyed. Life is a journey, and it takes a hero to be on this journey. I now feel my skill set is aligned to serve others on this same path who are ready for change, to live a life full of joy and adventures.

19/2020 I wrote and published my book first book ‘Reclaim Your Life’ The journey from wounded inner child to free spirited woman.

May I let you in on a little secret

"Your whole life, you have been a cocooned. Everything you have, everything you’ve done, has brought you to this moment. Now you’re a butterfly. A beautiful kaleidoscope of trauma and resilience ready to shine "


To create a space in which every human feels accepted for who they truly are and can stand in their own power.


To inspire individuals to embrace their innate gifts and fulfill their true potential.

karen Howe

Qualities of my brand include: